Top tips to create engaging video content

March 2022

tips for video productions

Video marketing has changed the way business owners, startups and even top brands market and promote their products. It is one of the most effective marketing tactics to engage your audience and convert them into customers.You might be wondering why you should care about the video when you can use a blog post, infographic, or a compelling sales letter to the same effect.

Well, the answer is simple. A video has its own unique potential. People love watching videos, which means they are more likely to take action if you’re in the video content creation business. Creating engaging video content is a very powerful marketing strategy that will help your business grow. In this article, we’ll share with you some of the top tips on how to create engaging video content that will convert your audience.

Know your audience

Before you can think about how to create engaging video content, you first need to know who you want to reach. You can take advantage of the recent shift in customer expectations by creating content that speaks directly to the people you want to buy from you. 

It’s important to know your audience so you know what type of content they’re interested in. Are you selling luxury goods? Do you sell products related to personal finance? With this information, you’ll be able to create content that speaks directly to your audience and provides value.

Write a great script

Next up is the script. What will the video consist of? Your script is the skeleton of your video. You’ll want to start by thinking about who you want to be in your video. What will you say about yourself and/or your business? Then, as you write the script, think about how you can bring your main themes to life through visual storytelling. What will you show, including images, videos, and other assets? 

You’ll want to think about the story you want to tell and how you want to convey your message to the viewer. If you feel stuck, this is a great opportunity for you to get some outside help.

video production tips

Use a newsworthy headline

One of the biggest mistakes business owners make when they’re creating a video is that they don’t give it a compelling headline.

Your headline is what will capture the attention of your audience as they’re scrolling through their social media feeds. If your headline is boring, you’ll lose a lot of potential viewers.

Create a compelling video introduction

Your introduction is the first thing your audience will see when they come across your video. This is a great opportunity to let your personality come through. You can include some fun facts about you and your business that will help paint a picture of who you are and what you do.

Create video content that benefits customers

If you want to succeed in the video marketing world, you’ll need to create videos that speak directly to customers. Think of a few videos you like and see how you can incorporate some of the tips and techniques you’ve been learning in this article. 

You can create a video that benefits your current customers. This can be a short testimonial,

Use video to expose your brand or product

You can also use video in your content marketing strategy to let your fans get to know you and your brand. Many businesses use video to showcase their products. This can be anything from how their product is made, to how it can benefit your customers.This is a great way to go beyond the basic description you might put on your website.

Make videos a part of your content marketing strategy

Don’t be afraid to create a video every now and then. Although it’s important to have a video strategy, you need to remember that consistency is key. Your strategy should always include creating engaging content, such as blog posts, images, and webinars, but also have some room for occasional videos.

Plan and shoot in advance

You don’t want to be scrambling to create content as soon as you have an idea. Planning is the key if you want to create engaging videos. This means being clear on the message you want to convey, who your ideal customers are, and what your goals are for your business. It also means having a plan for how you’ll create the video. 

If you’re shooting a video in-house, start by brainstorming what you can include. If you’re working with a video production company, find out what their creative process is like. Don’t be afraid to get input from your team, as well as your clients, to make sure the videos align with your brand and business.

Test and iterate on your strategy

Finally, don’t be afraid to test and iterate on your strategy. You may find that one video is better received than you expected. It’s important to understand your audience and keep testing until you find what works for you.

For example, if you’re creating a how to video, you may find that you get more engagement if you allow your customers to directly speak about their personal experiences with your product.


Video marketing can be a very effective marketing strategy. You don’t need to be a video production company to take advantage of the benefits of video. By using the tips outlined in this article, you’ll be able to create engaging videos that will convert your audience into customers.

It’s important to remember that while video marketing is a great strategy, it’s only as effective as the content you create.

Need help with video production?

Bear Fruit Productions can help you with full support, from creative concept and filming to animation and editing.

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